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About Us

Carter P. Spohn, Director, founded Spohn Investigations in 1985 when he became a California Licensed Private Investigator. Spohn changed the company name to Millennium Intelligence Agency at the turn of the new Millennia to reflect the ever changing globalization of litigation and the need to obtain accurate intelligence within the litigation process.

In the early years as Spohn was coming up as an investigator he worked at a civil litigation law firm in Los Angeles as an investigator employee. He credits his initial understanding of litigation and what was needed by spending nearly the first eighteen months in numerous trials with various attorneys.

Having been exposed to jury instructions early on laid the foundation for Spohn’s understanding of what intelligence and/or evidence would be needed in various investigations in order to prove up the case in a trial setting.

Spohn quickly gained a reputation for developing key pieces of information that played a critical role in areas such as Product Liability, General and Commercial Aviation Accidents, Automobile Accidents, Maritime Law, Bad Faith Insurance, Motion Picture Accidents, Business Litigation and many other highly specialized areas of Tort Law.

Nothing exemplifies and highlights the work of MIA more than the role in which Spohn and MIA played in gathering intelligence for NAZI era Holocaust Insurance Claims and Holocaust Slave Labor litigation. MIA spent nearly four years locating and harvesting intelligence throughout Europe that had been housed and buried for well over 50 years. MIA through archival research gathered demonstrative intelligence that played a pivotal role in this unique litigation.

MIA is a full service legal investigative agency and has handled investigations all over the world for its clients. MIA has been consulted on to investigate and understand protocols for conducting investigation and litigation on foreign land.

MIA believes the key to a successful investigation begins with establishing a relationship with the client. We would be honored to consult with you and your clients, free of charge regardless of the size of the case. Whether it is a simple locate search or a full scale investigation on foreign land we are available to consult and work with you.

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